Custom Hostname

Adding a Custom Hostname

To add a custom hostname, please click the ‘Custom Hostname’ link on the plugin settings page. It will redirect to the connected Pull Zone’s setting page on

Here you will be able to add a custom hostname.

Before continuing to the verification, please make sure to set up the correct CNAME record at your domain registrar or DNS manager.

After the CNAME record has been set –> click ‘Verify the CNAME record and Activate SSL certificate’.

Activating the Custom Hostname

After the new hostname has been added, please update the plugin’s settings page on your WordPress site.

Update settings to load the new hostname.

After loading the hostname, please select the new custom hostname from the dropdown and save the page again to complete the activation.

Select the new custom hostname and click ‘Save Changes’.

After activation you should be able to see your new custom hostname in the info table.

Custom Hostname: ‘’

The custom hostname will now replace the hostname inside of all download URLs.

Custom Hostname: ‘’

For information about File Protection (Token Authentication) option, please continue here.

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